Saturday, February 22, 2014

AS - Preliminary Task. (Cover explanation 5)

I then started with the mast head which says BSS, initials for my institution. This particular style of my masthead was a blend of two magazine masthead's that I saw and immediately fell in love with. Which is why I decided to incorporate both Below are the covers which I got inspired from and my masthead. 
What I like about Q's masthead was that it was simple yet attractive. It is just a simple box with the letter 'Q' in it. It catches the readers eye and at the same time looks sophisticated and classy.
The UMSL's masthead is again simple yet attractive with the letter S just slightly below the rest.
I added a little bit of my own touch to it by adding the letters to an upper layer instead of covering them by the model's head.Secondly I also added a drop shadow effect to make it look more realistic.
However, I also noticed a huge flaw in the masthead, which is the shadow exceeding the rectangle which was not planned for. I will take extra care when I make my music magazine.

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