Saturday, March 1, 2014

AS - Final task (Construction 3)

Steps in making my cover page (with pictures):

I firstly edited my selected picture in Adobe PhotoShop CS6.

I then masked out the background in Adobe PhotoShop CS6 in order to apply a black background. 

I made a new A3 size document & dragged and dropped my image on that, I then resized my image using shift (to maintain the aspect ratio).

I wrote my masthead in the font "Rock It" downloaded from Even though this is in the color red at the moment. I will be changing it to white when I apply the black background. & will shift to the layer below the image. I named my magazine ROCK STATION because it is a rock magazine and I wanted to add the word rock in it. However since most names have been taken by real mags I decided to go with Rock station.
Examples of names I studied:
Rock Express
Rock Sound
Classic Rock

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